Four Key Web Design Trends to Take Into 2016

To say that 2015 has been something of a Pivotal year in the evolution of web design and marketing would be an understatement to say the least. Despite the fact that we already had a pretty good idea of what to expect, the scale and scope of change throughout the year has been truly extraordinary.Once again, the powers that be at Google have been shifting the goalposts at breakneck speed, while the global web community in general has undergone a series of important transformations. Unsurprisingly therefore, those looking to remain relevant and ideally at the top of their game in 2016 are being advised at this time to revisit and evaluate the key web design trends prevalent throughout the year, in order to gain a crucial head start when the calendar flips over.four-key-web-design-trends-to-take-into-2016So with this in mind, here’s a quick look at perhaps the four most important web design trends from 2015 guaranteed to carry over into 2016:1 – Mobile FocusWe’ve long since reached a point where talking about the importance of mobile focus is in its own right something of a cliché. Nevertheless, 2016 is once again guaranteed to be a year during which the already extraordinary advances of mobile web search, web access and web traffic in general intensify and accelerate exponentially. Suffice to say, the fact that Google has already gone on record to say that it’s no longer necessary to operate a desktop website if you have a mobile version of your website up and running drills home the point pretty conclusively.2 – Flat DesignAs far as the world’s leading web design professionals are concerned, one trend that’s here to stay is flat web design. In a nutshell, doing away with 3D effects and visuals in order to be replaced by clean, crisp and flat page elements is a shift that has apparently struck a very favourable chord with the public in general. Close to 70% of leading web design firms believe that flat design will continue to be of critical importance and value for the foreseeable future at least – especially when it comes to building a seamless and fluid mobile websites.3 – Single-Page LayoutsThe resurgence of the single-page layout was and remains one of the biggest and most universally acknowledged web design trends from the whole of 2015. The perfect example of a trend predicted for some time and every bit as popular as it was expected to be, the ever-intensifying battle to condense, concise and generally enrich website content appears to be hitting its stride.4 – Speed and Simplicity Last but not least, the importance of overall website simplicity and speed in general have once again become more than apparent throughout 2015. This is something that has very specific relevance in the mobile arena where the processing power and download speeds can be negligible, that even those dedicated to desktop web access are demanding simplicity and speed in larger numbers than ever before.And should you have noticed the pattern among the above four trends, you’ll have picked up on the fact that it appears the days of the complex, convoluted and generally over-designed website are over!   


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