Three Things To Do Immediately After Setting Up Your Online Business

There’s really no prouder moment than the very instant your first online business venture goes live and officially becomes a thing. Whether it’s an expansive business website, an ambitious e-commerce venture or simply your first foray into the business side of social media, you suddenly find yourself with a lot to be proud of.However, at the very same time you also find yourself feeling a little uneasy and exposed. This is the first time you have tried your hand at such things and while you may have done a good job laying the foundations of your business, you might have absolutely no idea what to do next. Either that, or you have a list of 1,000 things you need to do and cannot decide which to focus on.brand-onlineStill, you are far from alone – this is pretty much standard among all first time online business owners. In addition, experts are continually advising such individuals as to exactly what they should be doing next, which in most instances will follow the following points: 

  1. Establish Your BrandFirst and foremost, now is the time to begin making concerted and intensive efforts to establish your brand. You cannot expect to simply build a website and automatically attract all the traffic you are looking for. Instead, you need to begin building your brand and ensure that your website address, e-mail address and corresponding details of relevance are on everything. Your email signature, your marketing materials, signs, advertisements, leaflets, business cards, brochures and so on. Also, try to remember that studies have shown that more than 90% of consumers prefer doing business with those that have branded email addresses, rather than generic web-mail.
  2. Focus On ContentA website provides you with what is quite simply the most powerful and effective platform for customer communication. However, it is nothing unless you actively and continually use it. Roughly translated, you need to focus as much time and attention as necessary on the creation of genuinely outstanding content. And not only must it be outstanding, but it must also separate you from the competition. Content marketing has the potential to be intensive and complicated, but in most instances doesn’t have to be either. The key points here being to keep it simple, stick to what you know and focus on whatever it is you have isolated as your unique selling point. Begin blogging right away and stick with it until it bears fruit, which it will.
  3. Proactively Seek CustomersOnce again, the newly built website that is left to its own devices will quickly stagnate and become relatively worthless. While it’s true to say that the vast majority of consumers now look for local services and goods online, you have to remember that you are competing with thousands of other established online businesses. Which in turn means that you need to market yourself online – a responsibility you may wish to consider outsourcing. There are plenty of avenues to explore – search engine marketing, social media marketing, enhanced content marketing, e-mail marketing and so on. If you have the time and the knowledge, it’s perfectly possible to take care of such things manually. Generally speaking however, these are all the kinds of essentials you simply will not find yourself with time or expertise to handle in-house.



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