Vine Is Dead: Long Live the Post-Vine Generation!

It may once have been a phenomenon with boundless power, but Vine is officially no more. Twitter recently made the announcement that it would be shuttering the monumentally popular six-second video loop social media service, which came as a huge blow to millions.“The most important of part of Vine has always been the people that are on it. It’s also the only part that can’t be replicated. So I’m going to miss them,” commented Casey Newton of The Verge. vine-is-dead“Even though I can and do follow some people from Vine on Instagram or Snapchat or Twitter or wherever they’ve decided to go, it just doesn’t feel the same. It’s like the band is breaking up and everyone’s going solo.”Of course, any business that has spent time, effort and money focusing on Vine may feel a little lost and short-changed. Not to mention, pondering silently or vocally – what now?All Is Not LostFirst of all, don’t lose too much sleep about what you think you may have lost with the death of Vine. For the time being, you can still access your content and all hope is most certainly not lost.Take Back What’s YoursSo, the best initial step forward is to download all the content you currently own, in order to begin thinking about how to edit and improve it for use elsewhere. Turn the clips into GIFs, extend them to create longer videos and basically work with what you already have, rather than casting it aside.Alternative PlatformsVine may be gone, but the power and influence of video marketing is here to stay. As such, it’s more than worth thinking about where else you may be able to focus your video marketing efforts. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat all hold incredible potential for doing something brilliant with your current and future video content, along with the obvious options of Twitter and YouTube. Unlike Vine, these platforms probably aren’t going anywhere, anytime soon.Build Your BrandVideo marketing is all about building your brand, so carry on focusing your efforts on doing exactly that. Before making the decision to invest in any new platform, be sure to question how it will influence perception of your brand, whether doing so will have an influence on the other marketing channels you’re investing in and whether it’s a future-proof strategy for the time-being at least.Learn LessonsLast but not least, the death of Vine has taught a great many marketers an important lesson – flexibility is crucial. It’s a clear illustration of why the ‘all eggs in one basket’ approach to marketing cannot and will not work these days, as you never know what kinds of swings and shifts are right around the corner. Hedge your bets over a wider landscape and the death of one or more platforms need not mean disaster for your overall strategy. 


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