Making the Most of Local Search As a Small Business Owner

Anyone running a local business in this day and age will probably already understand the importance of ranking well in local search. Over recent years, the web has become the single most important resource for consumers looking for information and recommendations on local businesses. Suffice to say, to ignore the importance of local is to deal your business a potentially fatal hammer-blow.Nevertheless, on-going studies and surveys continue to indicate that the vast majority of local business owners are still doing very little to improve their local SEO efforts. In fact, a huge chunk of the local business population is doing nothing about it at all. local-searchSo with this in mind, what follows is a brief overview of just a few key local SEO statistics, which should help illustrate just how important it is to step up efforts to improve exposure:1 – 50% of Mobile Local Searches Lead to Store Visits Within 24 HoursFirst of all, a recent study carried out by the almighty God of local search itself – aka Google – confirmed that most of those carrying out local searches are primed and ready to take the next step. Specifically, they reported that “50% of consumers who conducted a local search on their smartphone visited a store within a day, and 34% who searched on computer/tablet did the same.”Roughly translated, those running physical local businesses have a lot to gain from featuring prominently in local search rankings, which directly influence the kind of foot traffic you can expect. Local searches are often carried out by those who are already out and about and know what it is they want, meaning you’ve very limited to reach out to them and secure their business.2 – Local Ads and Information Are Far More Powerful Than Generic AdsGoogle’s study also brought about the finding that at least 6 in every 10 consumers have acted upon local information presented to them in advertising materials. The study made it clear that consumers in general respond infinitely better to ads that are tailored in accordance with their surroundings and preferences.In addition, 61% use either the telephone number or address featured in the local advertisement, while 68% use the ‘Call’ or ‘Get Directions’ buttons. In general, the power and influence of local ads delivered in accordance with the consumer’s physical location are infinitely more powerful than generic ads.3 – Most Consumers Believe the Online Reviews They ReadDespite the fact that they could have been written by anyone with any motive/intent whatsoever, almost 90% of consumers believe online reviews to the same extent they would a personal recommendation. Exactly how your business stacks up on popular review sites can and will make a huge difference in terms of the online and physical traffic you can expect to attract.From a smaller, local business perspective, reputation management begins with carrying out web searches for your own business and taking note of what you find. Check which review sites you are featured on, what the public has to say about you and start working on ramping-up your image.4 – When a Local Search Is Carried Out, Contact Details Matter MostA recent study carried out by ComScore found that when a local search is carried out, the most important information in the eyes of the average consumer is the contact information for the business. Specifically, they are most interested in the exact address and location of the business, checking this before looking any further into the prospect of paying a visit.In addition to address, those carrying out mobile searches for local businesses also place great emphasis on the importance of telephone numbers, opening hours, directions and as mentioned above, recent reviews and testimonials. All such information should be displayed as clearly and concisely as possible.5 – Local Searches Drive SalesBack with Google, their own research found that close to one in every five local mobile searches (18%) result in a purchase being made within 24 hours. Which in turn means than not only are those carrying out local searches more likely to pay a store a visit, but they’re also more likely to actually buy something.The reason being that those carrying out local searches are often those who are right at the final stage in the purchase process. They’ve done their research, they know what they want and are now simply looking for the right place to get it. 


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